Senator Ted Kennedy lives on to a significant degree in the form of Senator Elizabeth Warren. Fiercely liberal, she is an attorney who is very happy to attempt to bend the rules in order to push her agenda. Unfortunately for her, her party does not control the Senate, so her attempts to play things a bit fast and loose are unlikely to be ignored or permitted.
The Senate has specific rules that govern debate. Mrs. Warren clearly does, or should, know them. What she would like to do is to make her points by using techniques that at least skirt the rules if not blatantly violate them. Her most recent attempt to do so ended with the Senate voting to shut her up. More on page two.
silence from Pocahantas would be appreciated.
This blowhard hag needs removed from office. She is a national DISGRACE!
i’m glad they shut her up!.
They eventually had to tie up and duct tape crazy Lizzy’s mouth shut. When they got her to the mental hospital, she was mumbling something about being an Indian princess.
Another Fruitcake that didn’t finish baking, what a disgrace !!!! This is part of the reason why I left the Democratic Party after 42 years and will never again vote for a Democrat!!!! The Party has become a embarrassment and I have no desire to be a part of that embarrassment!!!!!!
Stuff a sock in it pocohontus
Why not, you have the Whoopie crane, the Roosterie, and now the Elliebeast. And I thought Shillary and Fancy Pelooosie were nuts.
Dances with PROZAC