Senator Ted Kennedy lives on to a significant degree in the form of Senator Elizabeth Warren. Fiercely liberal, she is an attorney who is very happy to attempt to bend the rules in order to push her agenda. Unfortunately for her, her party does not control the Senate, so her attempts to play things a bit fast and loose are unlikely to be ignored or permitted.
The Senate has specific rules that govern debate. Mrs. Warren clearly does, or should, know them. What she would like to do is to make her points by using techniques that at least skirt the rules if not blatantly violate them. Her most recent attempt to do so ended with the Senate voting to shut her up. More on page two.
Hey! Do you need to make America together or you need to be fighting!
She unwiilingly helped McConnel close out Sessions. LOL And help give him a simple majority vote. LOL It was a sneaky move by Mitch. She screwed up. And gave Mitch or (Sessions) easy pass through the senate.L(OL
It’s just like kindergarten Elizabeth, you break the rules you get a “time out”. Even 6 year olds understand THAT.
Hand her a shovel and tell her to keep digging
Didn’t know there was a rule to shut a woman up.
Let’s see. Maxine Waters thinks Putin invaded Korea. Pelosi thinks Bush is still president. Warren lies and says she’s American Indian. These are the Democratic party leaders. When will Democrats open their eyes and see
these people for what they are? Instead these morons who have been robbing the system blind have some people believing they have their best interest at heart. The same people who scream college tuition is out of control but charge $250k to give a speech at an institution. Every day they try to create havoc and portray our new elected officials as tyrants when in reality they are the very people who are the business as usual thieves. They will say or do anything to take the focus off of them. Wise up they aren’t trying to help anyone. They are why our government is broken. Their only hope is to find people stupid enough to support them by using race and sexism where none exist so the system can’t be fixed.
Wouldn’t have mattered what sex the person is.
Where was all the outrage when Al Frankin told Joe Lieberman to sit down and shut up?
She always looks so dazed and confused…….