As expected, the fallout from the decision by the US to not use its veto power to prevent an anti-Israel resolution from passing the UN Security Council is continuing. And the Obama Administration has not been a neutral observer in all of this either. It’s clear that US diplomats were working in the background to help create the resolution.
This is the sort of duplicity that we’ve come to expect from the Obama administration. Lacking the courage to take a bold stand for his principles, Obama often prefers to work in the dark while others take the public positions and heat. It’s something we’ve seen many times over the past eight years, and something that will likely continue until January 20th.
Now Senator Cruz has stepped forward to take action in response to Obama’s betrayal of Israel. More on page two.
NO, stop funding, AND throw the entire UN out of our country, they don’t like US and do not pay their way. All leeches.
BTW, #fuposotus and un and it’s puppets nato, We do not need any of it.
Should be pretty obvious, posotus wants Israel dead! What is to be figured out?
Send them packing, we don’t need them here they have always needed the U.S.
I don’t know maybe the truth about what’s going on over there and not just jumping on a bandwagon because one or the other side hates the other
Yes do it now
No Defund them peroid they are getting evil, when you deside to give statehood to a group of terroist that’s our emeny it’s time we disbanded the UN. It no longer,serves a purpose.
U.N. want’s to take over world under their regime. Obama & U.N. need to be stopped.
Read the history of Isreal and palastine. God gave that land to Isreal and the palaninian people keep trying to take it. Read your history. It goes deeper.
We do not need the u n fok that c**p