The Democrats love to focus on interest groups, regardless of whether it makes any sense or not. Buried in the appropriations bill is the mandate that women must now register for the draft! This is another example of misplaced priorities and posturing rather than substantive law-making.
Requiring women to register for the draft shows that Democrats are all for “equal opportunity.” It is clear that women are NOT clamoring to register for the draft or to serve in the military, but that makes no difference. In fact, the number of troops in the services is being drawn down, so there is less need for military personnel, not more. We are also in the phase of a volunteer army, which more than meets the need for new recruits. That is a good comparative between Republicans, who believe in personal initiative and choice, and Democrats, who want to demand that all women register, which to them means it is more “fair,” as well as symbolic of their commitment to “equality.”
Go to the c-span video for more, it is quite tedious, and like sausage making, something you probably shouldn’t watch being done more than once or twice. But for unmitigated pomposity and limitless self-congratulation and posturing, you can’t beat a c-span video with these self-important congressmen.
Sorry but I don’t want my daughter or my grand daughters signing up for the draft. There are differences between men and women I don’t think that our daughters should be in the draft.