Shattering Decision Coming
Antonin Scalia was absolutely committed to upholding and respecting the Constitution. It was not meant as a “guideline” or a framework for American jurisprudence, it was the gold standard against which to measure all legal and legislative decisions. If it was not clearly spelled out in the Constitution, it was not for the justices to “invent” something that was not there. And his brilliant reasoning was often the standard by which decisions were made and explained. It is therefore a blow for conservatives to lose a justice who reliably holds the line and prevents the Left from “inventing” laws, rights and privileges that they somehow “find” in the Constitution when they simply are not there.
Shortly after Scalia’s death was announced, the Left, starting with Senate minority leader Harry Reid, and including the Constitution-bending Barack Obama immediately declared that a new justice should immediately be selected to replace Scalia. This justice, of course, would be selected by president Obama and would give the court a 5-4 liberal majority for years to come. Presidents come and go every 4 years, but a justice is there until death or retirement. Obama has already done considerable damage to this country, but when he could not circumvent the court, it was because the Constitution and the court worked as a brake on his liberal agenda. Imagine if a liberal judge were now in place and rubber-stamped the left’s agenda, just as the four left-leaning Supreme Court justices are now doing for Obama’s cases. That could alter American law for years to come.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel immediately responded to the call for immediately naming a new justice, saying that Congress would wait until the next president is sworn in to consider a replacement for Scalia. The hope, of course, is that a Republican will assume the presidency, and a conservative, Constitutionalist juror will be selected. It was reassuring to hear McConnell state decisively that this was the right way to go, and it was how the majority Republican Senate would proceed. The only problem is McConnell has NOT proven to be reliable, and he and his Republican establishment cronies sell out the base over and over again. And now, this is what we are hearing from Washington:
Adam Jentleson — Deputy Chief of Staff for Senate Minority leader Harry Reid — tweeted Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will allow President Obama’s eventual nomination to fill Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court Seat.
The next step in this process will be for Senator McConnell to back down and give President Obama’s nominee a hearing and a floor vote.
— Adam Jentleson (@AJentleson) February 16, 2016
Senator McConnell will back down. That is a simple reality.
— Adam Jentleson (@AJentleson) February 16, 2016
Will McConnell be true to his word and prevent a nominee from coming to the floor for a vote? He cannot be trusted, and his primary job seems to be to keep his own job and that of his many establishment buddies as possible. So what should be a simple “wait until the new president is sworn in” decision may very will be “we must vote on this candidate in case we do not win the presidency.”
And that, friends, is why Donald Trump is leading in the polls. Because if he were in McConnell’s shoes, you know exactly what he would say to the idea that Obama should have a chance to select the new supreme court justice. His answer would be a loud and clear “Hell, no!” But from McConnell? He will probably say “no” right before he says “yes.”
Photo: Gage Skidmore
Better not
Just call him bend over Mitch. Selling out America again. Business as usual.