After the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, American’s should be concerned that those who are responsible for vetting incoming refugees and migrants, may not be doing a sufficient job. Consider the fact that the terrorist wife, Tashfeen Malik, who killed so many innocent people, had been investigated and given a fiancé visa, while having ties to radical Islam, makes trusting our government or the Canadian government to do a thorough job with immigrants, impossible.
Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said the borders are not secure.
He raised concerns about the rushed refugee plans of new Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “It is a concern with the new prime minister, Trudeau, opening up his border to refugees. They can come into America, so I would say that increases our risk,” Johnson said.
The 100 page report the committee compiled was based on:
…dozens of hearings, interviews and trips, cites terror arrests in Canada and U.S. border states of Islamic State threats and quotes several experts raising concerns about how easy it is for illegal immigrants and terrorists to cross in from Canada.
Specifically regarding terrorism, on page 42, it states:
The nexus between known or suspected terrorists in eastern Canada and the northern parts of the U.S. represent a significant national security threat. Communities in Minnesota and New York, which are adjacent to Ontario and Quebec, have recently experienced apprehensions of individuals on terrorist charges. For example, on November 26, 2014, two men in Minneapolis, Minnesota were charged with recruiting and conspiring to provide support to ISIL. Similarly, on September 17, 2014, a man in Rochester, New York was arrested on similar charges after the FBI provided evidence showing that he attempted to recruit fighters and funds for ISIL.
We are not safe, especially when we have an Obama Administration who seems hell bent on destroying this country by not securing the borders and protecting the citizens.
Source: Washington Examiner
As a Canadian I just wanted to say good luck with that wall. I hope you all don’t miss the billions of dollars our tourists pump into your economy every year. Oh, and of course we’re your biggest trading partner, so you’ll lose a lot of money there too. And with the cost of oil falling every day you’re going to lose thousands of jobs in the energy sector, which will result in a big dip in the New York Stock Exchange, and could set into motion a global recession. But I’m sure you’ll be just fine, so long as you can keep your war machine going. If you can’t find real enemies, just make some up. Say that you’re bringing them democracy, even if they don’t want it. But don’t concern yourselves with the white Christians who are going around killing innocent people. You should never turn your back on your own. The brown people with a different religion, on the other hand, are definitely the enemy. How dare they be different than you? How dare they bring war to YOUR country. They should just accept that America knows what’s best for everybody, including itself.
We could use more natural resources, maybe Canada is next on our list, just sayen.
Your just now figured that out?
Josh Edward Beatty, how about that, you are not even in Canada, how about Dartmouth Nova Scotia, Why? won’t your homeland Canada let you back in? Lol.
Build 2 walls.
Amen to.thiss.
Border laes arent.strong at all …
It is now.