No Child Left Behind is almost a thing of the past! On Wednesday, December 9, the U.S. Senate passed, with ease, the Every Student Succeeds Act which will drastically alter how the federal government will undertake K-12 education. The bill has already passed the House and is waiting for Obama’s signature, who is supportive because of the failure of No Child Left Behind and Common Core. It has received bipartisan support, even though it transfers education policy to the States.
The Department of Education has lost a great deal of power, while States have been given much more oversight in the area how to use federal funds, intervention in failing schools and teacher evaluations. Another vital change is the prohibition of any federal government action to force states, or incentivize states to adopt Common Core. On the following page learn more about this positive legislation of the future of our children.
Hey Guys….I Finally found the link original to movie. Watch:
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“Common Core!?” I thought it was COMMIE BORE (as in ochicken)!
No to common core
No child left behind signed today by President Obama
They need a three-way teaching system somebody who can do the work right off without being instructed somebody who needs to be told how the class work is and the other one needs to be not only shown but taught the class work.
—– Stupid does as stupid does !!!
Common core is a joke. What takes us 2 steps takes 4 steps in common core how could that be easier and to top it off the answere is wrong
They turned *no child left behind to the states…AND lowered acceptable scores for testing. Seems deliberate to Under-educate tbe kids.
Whatever happened to study hard, test, get good grades and then move on. Now it is just push ’em through so we can get the money. No wonder groups like Black Lives Matter and other terrorists have such a faithful following. They have not been taught in school about the Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance or prayer. They don’t know what education is, just violent instinct. Good job Dumbama and Michelle.
So agree !