You can leave it to the liberals to find new reasons to let in as many immigrants as possible. They need those votes if they’re gonna win 2016!
A resolution barring consideration of religion in immigration has passed a Senate committee. The resolution was proposed by Senator Patrick Leahy, D-VT., which affirms “that the United States must not bar individuals from entering into the United States based on their religion, as such action would be contrary to the fundamental principles on which this Nation was founded.”
The language was offered in response to Donald Trumps statement that there should be a suspension of allowing Muslim immigrants into the United States.
Rather than consider the security issues that have come into question after the past month of terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, the Left is jumping on the first chance they can get to win some Muslim votes.
Find out more about the Senate committee resolution on page 2.
Meanwhile, Christians from Syria who are being raped, tortured and murdered by ISIS AND Al Queda are barred from coming to the U.S. because of a Law that says only those displaced by “Government Forces” have “Refugee Status”. The Syrian Muslims coming here are supposedly being displaced by Assad (actually because we are bombing Assad AND ISIS).
96 % do not want invaders. Guess congress doesn’t care what the American people want.
It’s already the law of the land, its been part of the vetting process since we started taking refugees and should stay there.
By definition: Islam is not a religion, it’s an Ideology! Does that help you do your job congress?
Islam is not a religion. It is a political movement bent on total$#%&!@* Submit or die. It is not compatible with our constitution. Therefore anyone that practices Islam is by law banned from this country.
Who will decide if Islam is a religion or a political ideology?
Leahey is the biiggest scumbag in the US Senate
and that’s because most everybody love there free handouts instead of their freedom and safety
Totally unconscionable!!!
I hope they are the first in line…they truely deserve what the savages hand out.