Back in November, 2115, the House passed the SAFE Act, mandating an increase in security checks for Syrian refugees. It would have required, from top US security officials, personal guarantees that the Syrian refugees who were being resettled in the United States did not pose a terrorist threat.
The Senate blocked the bill, as there was not enough support for a procedural vote. The bill received 55 votes, but needed 60 to proceed.
Top Democrat lawmakers believed the requirements would “incapacitate” the US security framework already in place, even more than as ISIS terrorist attack ever could. Other Democrats called the Republican supported bill as a “xenophobic attack on President Obama’s refugee policy.
One would think, after the much publicized immigrant rape epidemic spreading across Europe, that lawmakers would put politics aside and recognize that HR 4038 is not xenophobic but pro-American safety. Read more on the following page on the blocked bill meant to put precautions in place.
I’m just gonna kill the fucking refugees!
Wow. They want us as in my family and my children to be in danger. When can we finally bring back sanity to our government?
Our gov and these nazis politicians are letting in the terroist and now they don’t wa n t take sure there not terroist because they want terroism to take away guns more of your rights
Back in November 2115? So, time travel is possible!
Vote! Stop him and Hillary at the polls! Have your children vote also. Hillary is using the 18-19 year olds to recruit the young vote, the same thing they did with Obama. It was “fashionable” to vote for the black man for president, just like their trying to get the young voters to vote for a “woman” as president. I have no respect for Hillary, and she is in lock-step with Obama, we must talk to friends, family, everyone we know to stop her in her tracks! TRUMP 2016!
James Lemos If he does, look for my husband and myself, we will be right next to you. TRUMP 2016!
Penny Feliciano Lets finish off the Democrats this election, then get some work done! TRUMP 2016!
Yes there are always riders attached to any bill introduced in congress. The headliner of the bill may look like it’s good for the country, but the attached riders screw us over every time. They should outlaw that practice, it’s kind of like the bait and switch ads: you think you’re getting one thing but in reality what you get isn’t even close.
People are taking action! Please go to the COS, to learn what their goals are to reduce federal power and other things. Our Founding Fathers set govt. up to give states more rights. This comes under Article V of our Constitution. If this is a GOOD FIT for your then go to cow to sign up. This lets your state representative from your district be YOUR VOICE to introduce a COS application to be able to vote on having such a convention. Please share this with your friends!
Right on! They all work against the best interest of their constituents and have for decades.
And as far as selling us out, when Islam conquers us, do you think that they will be immune to the violence that will befall our country? I’m sure Isis won’t even bat an eye when they decapitate all of congress, probably on world wide broadcast.