Back in November, 2115, the House passed the SAFE Act, mandating an increase in security checks for Syrian refugees. It would have required, from top US security officials, personal guarantees that the Syrian refugees who were being resettled in the United States did not pose a terrorist threat.
The Senate blocked the bill, as there was not enough support for a procedural vote. The bill received 55 votes, but needed 60 to proceed.
Top Democrat lawmakers believed the requirements would “incapacitate” the US security framework already in place, even more than as ISIS terrorist attack ever could. Other Democrats called the Republican supported bill as a “xenophobic attack on President Obama’s refugee policy.
One would think, after the much publicized immigrant rape epidemic spreading across Europe, that lawmakers would put politics aside and recognize that HR 4038 is not xenophobic but pro-American safety. Read more on the following page on the blocked bill meant to put precautions in place.
They need their votes for the liberals just like the borders let all in how do you think Obama got elected liberal control illegal voting they do care about American rights or constitution and the people have no voice anymore anything illegal and they get away with liberal socialism they also need in case of revolution of the patriots but that’s ok when they are burning in hell yelling in water help but it be to late then
It’s sure been a long time since anyone’s been assassinated. This sounds like one of many recent good reasons for that to change.
NWO Senate. No surprise there
Sure makes you wonder what these congressmen are getting out of this. Doesn’t it?
Ppl better get there head out of there$#%&!@* We are in big trouble on so many levels bc of our current admin and we sit ideally by and watch our world as we know it go down the tubes. It breaks my heart that we have so many idiots out there in congress and we do nothing
I am ok with more vetting or security check. However, I am oppose to anybody for any length of time being ban entry into USA based solely on religion.
Coming to the realization that the general American Public is very angry and the day may come when retribution is sought against individual members of Congress.
Correct. Penny please educate yourself.
Kick these Politicians out of office! It is up to the voters of individual States to hold their elected officials accountable for compromising our Nation’s safety and security!
If this isn’t a wake up call to a lot of people, I don’t know what is.