Back in November, 2115, the House passed the SAFE Act, mandating an increase in security checks for Syrian refugees. It would have required, from top US security officials, personal guarantees that the Syrian refugees who were being resettled in the United States did not pose a terrorist threat.
The Senate blocked the bill, as there was not enough support for a procedural vote. The bill received 55 votes, but needed 60 to proceed.
Top Democrat lawmakers believed the requirements would “incapacitate” the US security framework already in place, even more than as ISIS terrorist attack ever could. Other Democrats called the Republican supported bill as a “xenophobic attack on President Obama’s refugee policy.
One would think, after the much publicized immigrant rape epidemic spreading across Europe, that lawmakers would put politics aside and recognize that HR 4038 is not xenophobic but pro-American safety. Read more on the following page on the blocked bill meant to put precautions in place.
obamas murderers
This country is slowly dying under the democrats
National security!….Priority of a commander in chief !!!..Trumptruth
Is a no no security checks a necessity
This why we need Trump!
How many GOP senators are there ? I thought you have the majority in the senate still you can’t win.
Obama is a puppet of evil global powers just like any other presidents before him yes that includes the Bushes, that is why JFK was killed.
And suspend the ELECTIONS
The old “Washington two-step” in action. This congress is full of “mugwumps!” You know, the guy sitting on the fence looking for the softest side of the fence to fall off of. His “mug” hangs over one side of the fence and his “wump” hangs over the other. Hmmmmm, which side is best for ME!