The United States Senate just passed a bill that mandates vaccinations of American veterans, and the amount they’ve required is ridiculous. Over the course of their prescribed immunization schedule, as many as 90 viruses could be injected into our nation’s unwilling veterans.
Vaccines have proven themselves dangerous in the past, creating untold and unforeseen health consequences. These have ranged from simple flu-like symptoms after injection, to serious matters such as spontaneous abortion. Vaccines can even be used as bio-terrorism.
Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this new law is the fact that the men and women who have fought for the freedoms provided by the United States of America are now being stripped of the very rights they risked their lives to protect.
If our veterans aren’t exempt from the government takeover of our lives, who is?
To see the full report, read on to the next page:
Create a small EMP. Microchip problem solved. I think this is more sci fi propgoanda. I get live feed from Afghanistan post a no marine has made mention of any veteran being forced to get any injection.
I am a Veteran and I will not be forced to do any thing I don’t want, I do know how to defend my self!!!!!
God bless you Bradley Hayes……I voted Trump!!!!
Thanks again
This looks like a sci-fi movie clip.
This article is not true. The actual bill refers to recommended adult vaccines (currently there are around 10) – they are to be offerred, but are not mandatory. Can sign a declination form. Includes flu, tetanus/diptheria, shingles, pneumonia, hep B, rubella, etc. They will not be forced on you.
I’m sorry Mindy…..I was immunizied in the 50 and 60 …..I think it was pretty safe then but I would not immunize my children if they were younger…..drugs are not safe anymore!!!
Thank you very much, Sandra! I agree, I was born in 1969 and we got very few and ours didn’t contain multi dose with “preservatives” (neurotoxins).
Yes, I was paralyzed in my joints in boot camp 1975 from German measles, instead if going to hospital and starting over, just qualified last week 1.5 mile run. Immunizations are extremely dangerous. Weight risk management of them against diseases if aliens illegally crossing border.