The United States Senate just passed a bill that mandates vaccinations of American veterans, and the amount they’ve required is ridiculous. Over the course of their prescribed immunization schedule, as many as 90 viruses could be injected into our nation’s unwilling veterans.
Vaccines have proven themselves dangerous in the past, creating untold and unforeseen health consequences. These have ranged from simple flu-like symptoms after injection, to serious matters such as spontaneous abortion. Vaccines can even be used as bio-terrorism.
Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this new law is the fact that the men and women who have fought for the freedoms provided by the United States of America are now being stripped of the very rights they risked their lives to protect.
If our veterans aren’t exempt from the government takeover of our lives, who is?
To see the full report, read on to the next page:
What a stupid bill impose by the senate
With what????? A chip?
Hell no our government is trying to do the nasty to us all u wont ever dare put that$#%&!@*in me ill die first rather than dying in the hands of this government nope. This is by all means wrong
We need to fight back
What ever happened to we the people? We the people can make america great again its sad to see people trust in another person so much that person passes laws that never benifit citizens or our children killary is no good niether is trump, do you really think trump when he goes to bed at night he cares about you and your family? No one gives a 2 bit damn about us then us, its we the people, people are forgetting that and dont even think about that anymore, they are good with a president making decisions and laws for them, after all presidents are SELECTED not ELECTED if voting made a difference they wouldnt let us do it, God help us all
What next?
Remember when the government gave our brave soldiers fighting for our freedom syphillis as an experiment.
I’m a retired veteran and I use the VA and I have not heard any of this also past Commander of my VFW I will be checking into this I know my veterans be a cold day in hell if they think that’s going to happen