The United States Senate just passed a bill that mandates vaccinations of American veterans, and the amount they’ve required is ridiculous. Over the course of their prescribed immunization schedule, as many as 90 viruses could be injected into our nation’s unwilling veterans.
Vaccines have proven themselves dangerous in the past, creating untold and unforeseen health consequences. These have ranged from simple flu-like symptoms after injection, to serious matters such as spontaneous abortion. Vaccines can even be used as bio-terrorism.
Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this new law is the fact that the men and women who have fought for the freedoms provided by the United States of America are now being stripped of the very rights they risked their lives to protect.
If our veterans aren’t exempt from the government takeover of our lives, who is?
To see the full report, read on to the next page:
All veterans safeguard this election!!! America will win!!!
TRUMP supporters will all start answering ALL polls Nov. 1st. Until then we will continue to not answer ANY polls. Copy and paste. REMEMBER, Nov 1st. Take all polls online, on the phone, robo polls, etc. in support of Trump and all Republican Senate seats.. Please copy and paste on 10 other sites. Thank you. #boycottMegynKelly #stopthecorruption #FOXNEWS2016
My buddy who’s a Marine said he was forced to get a flu vaccine after he respectfully declined
how about the government can kiss my veteran ass
Senate first lead by example
S**t i should not of got my vaccines
You do realize saying that can get you in trouble?? It is false documentation, I got a charge that went through just because I charted at a later time ( 3 hours later) the vet was at an appt. you ain’t Hillary…
Time to drain the swamp
I would not be surprise with Obama the musulman. Our soldiers are in danger!