The United States Senate just passed a bill that mandates vaccinations of American veterans, and the amount they’ve required is ridiculous. Over the course of their prescribed immunization schedule, as many as 90 viruses could be injected into our nation’s unwilling veterans.
Vaccines have proven themselves dangerous in the past, creating untold and unforeseen health consequences. These have ranged from simple flu-like symptoms after injection, to serious matters such as spontaneous abortion. Vaccines can even be used as bio-terrorism.
Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this new law is the fact that the men and women who have fought for the freedoms provided by the United States of America are now being stripped of the very rights they risked their lives to protect.
If our veterans aren’t exempt from the government takeover of our lives, who is?
To see the full report, read on to the next page:
Can you say, ‘police state’.’ Marshall law’, ‘executive overreach’? Sounds like social/communism. What’s next ? Gas furnace?
Is our Senate completely mad? Why not vaccinate the illegals pouring in? Our military have had their vaccinations and some last a life time. Now Timothy Carlyle posted a replay that is very eye opening…..he thinks the vets may be having microchips implanted in them and if Obama declares martial law the first ones they’d go after is the vets. Like Bradley Hayes I am begging everyone to go out and vote for Trump. My absentee ballot should reach Missouri tomorrow and the county I vote in knows if it goes Democrat I will be on the 1st plane out to see who changed my vote.
This election is the most serious of your lifetime.
So now Obama wants to slowly kill all Veterans, and that is what this is going to do. Wake the hell up people.
Hope this is false!
Can’t do that that taking away our right to choose, our government job is to protect the United States only not control the people
They will also force microchips implantation on you. Then Evil has won.
The new unamerician liberal way vote killary!
If illegals can refuse, so can citizens.
Refugees don’t get vaccinated?
You sign paperwork when you enter the military, you are government property.