The United States Senate just passed a bill that mandates vaccinations of American veterans, and the amount they’ve required is ridiculous. Over the course of their prescribed immunization schedule, as many as 90 viruses could be injected into our nation’s unwilling veterans.
Vaccines have proven themselves dangerous in the past, creating untold and unforeseen health consequences. These have ranged from simple flu-like symptoms after injection, to serious matters such as spontaneous abortion. Vaccines can even be used as bio-terrorism.
Perhaps the most outrageous aspect of this new law is the fact that the men and women who have fought for the freedoms provided by the United States of America are now being stripped of the very rights they risked their lives to protect.
If our veterans aren’t exempt from the government takeover of our lives, who is?
To see the full report, read on to the next page:
Joseph Hornbostel
Our president is one dreadfully dangerous person and should be removed from office. There definitely are people that cannot take this poison shot and those that chose not to take this poison shot and that is the right of the individual. What the hell is wrong with our government. All the horrible changes have to do with defenseless citizens. Obama is a hateful bully and does NOT have our country’s best interest at heart. Get him out of office ashe has already done more damage than we can handle. Wtf???
Read the comments below.
We need Trump now.
Good point
The VA let my dad die waiting for them to help him Sargent Jerry Lee Moore. Vietnam vet. So I will not let them do anything for or to me. Period
F**k that. Wtf is this all about. Jst try it and see what happens