The Senate approved $1.9 BILLION for child migrants last week. Surely a lot of money by any measure, but it does require that the administration approve how the money is used.
So, one suggestion could be: retrofit cargo ships to take them home!
Instead of blowing all that money to feed and house them here over time, why not use what would only be a portion of that money to return them to their country. We don’t need $1.9 billion to do that most likely.
And, we could build something to give them a decent journey. You don’t have to use shipping containers – give some jobs to Americans to build something nice and…heck, provide some coloring books, education in Spanish about obeying the law, etc. You know, things they can really use.
Just a simple, off-the-cuff suggestion, make yours below.
Use money to send them Back home. U.S.A. isn’t it.
Refund the money to the taxpayers and let the dumb sob’s go harm or starve. Obama should not have invited the invasion of ILLEGAL ALIENS period.
He could arm them all so that they could defend themselves.
Don’t Senators and congress know the meaning of ILLEGAL,,ILLEGAL,,don’t our laws mean anything to this bunch of Traitors??
Why don’t we build a fence !
Some of that money could be used to beef up border security so they don’t end up here in the first place.
Dave Van Rosenberg are you an idiot? Just shoot thousands of children?
Bunch of bastards!!!
And before anyone decries my callous attitude, it’s their parents and their own country who are callously dumping them here in the hope that we’ll take care of them out of the goodness of our hearts.
can’t take them back, their countries won’t accept them.. THEY DON’T HAVE ANY ID, VISA, PASSPORT, BIRTH CERTIFICATES.