Senator Ted Cruz (R – TX) launched the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) with a fiery speech that included calls to “repeal every word of ObamaCare” and to abolish the IRS.
“By virtue of your being here today,” he jokingly cautioned the nation’s largest annual gathering of politically conservative activists, “tomorrow each and every one of you is going to be audited by the IRS.”
Cruz also responded to President Obama’s claim on Super Bowl Sunday that there was ‘not a smidgen of corruption’ in an IRS scandal involving the targeting of tea party groups. “You keep on using this word,” Cruz retorted, channeling a character from The Princess Bride. “I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Source: Daily Mail
Photo: NY Daily News
abolish IRS!!!! Its gone too powerful, too controlling, too honest, too mean! Let’s take it down forever! It is evil organization!!!
One good think Ted Cruz has said. We support you for that.
I think the Libertarians have been calling for this for years and Ted Cruz is just late to the party.
Abolish the IRS…..
Yes. Yes. Yes. Everything Obama has done should be abolished. And the IRS emploies need to be put in the unemployment line.
Replace it? Whatever for?
It’s all BS talk. How many politicians over the years have talked the talk and how many have actually walked the walk. They have grandiose ideas that will never become anything else. They have to go through house and congress. It’s our entire system that’s $#%&!@*ed. We are run by the federal reserve and large corporate lobbyist. Getting rid of the IRS would not be beneficiary to the bankster squad, do you really think that would happen?
Abolish IRS
Yes & go to a Nat. Sales Tax where everybody pays the same
Along with the Federal Reserve Corp. !