“Never in my political career in my memory did it ever occur to me that we would have a president of the United States who would be doing things supporting the enemy,” states Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe. “Our system isn’t set up for Congress to deal with this kind of a situation.”
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Execute Bumma for Treason against the United States of America!
Never like Polictics Until i seen him on TV in 2007 and i told everyone watch out there is a lot of lies comeing out America is in Trouble/And we are people need too think and Listen when Voting.
Follow the Money……deep lined comfy pockets
WOW! Uhh whaat?
Obama is for the emeny and he is another hilter and wants concentrateion camps and all ready made to just wants to full them with us
Jed Johnson of Homeland security also included the Ten Muslims cleric A- our WHITE HOUSE! We can’t LAST tell next election! ARREST early election!
Most of OUR Congress are included! Every who votes with Obama’s Administration! Killray Clinton’s !
Sad thing you all knew it and are still allowing it
That is because he is a pseudo-American at best and usurped our presidency to implement his deviant, destructive agenda, which obviously is against real Americans, not for them! And anyone who supports or defends him at this point are his accomplices in this tyranny and betrayal, including congress if they don’t stop this!