“Never in my political career in my memory did it ever occur to me that we would have a president of the United States who would be doing things supporting the enemy,” states Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe. “Our system isn’t set up for Congress to deal with this kind of a situation.”
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This is the douche bag who supports and lobbys in kenya to further the anti gay agenda , which by the way they kill gays..He does this because he can’t get away with that b.s here in the states..screw this guy
Senators knowing it and doing something about it is also supporting the enemy!
The only thing straight is his solicitation of $#%&!@* in the airport bathroom.
Straight up.
Has Been for years wake up.
This guy Inhofe is a nut for one he says global warming is a hoax
Then he mustn’t remember how Nixon sold out US soldiers in Vietnam to win an election and such.
He has committed Treason many times .He should have been arrested the first time.
Iran Contra… Reagan supported it even though Congress didn’t.