[Video Below]Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says it’s time to put an end to Harry Reid’s abuses of power and his unethical, partisan spending on the public dime.
Either Reid (D-Nevada) thinks it is OK for him to use taxpayer-funded government resources to make partisan attacks on political opponents and even members of the public, or he just doesn’t care because he thinks he is above the law and can ignore ethics rules and guidelines without consequence.
Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
Shut down the Bureau of Land Management.
Shut down the corrupt IRS.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for every Drone Attack and every covert CiA action every where in the world, the trillions of dollars wasted on Obama’s stupid War on Terror, and each one of them wants collateral damage just like what we have now in Africa and the Middle East in our cities with Robot Cops
and Drones.
Your current Senator and Representative believed the lies of Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Obama about Benghazi.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the economy of the United States being in the toilet.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the Senate and the House being too childish to work together.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the six billion dollars missing from Hillary Clinton’s State Department.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the war crimes committed by the As Qaeda in Syria and their use of Chemical Weapons.
Your current Senator and Representative wanted bomb Syria based on Obama’s lies and the lies our NSA and CIA.
All of our Federal Agencies are the most corrupt they have ever been. Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for Obama and our CIA supporting and financing Al Qaeda Terrorists in Syria.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for millions of dollars and modern weapons being shipped to Egypt and Iran.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for weapons being given to the Drug Cartels in the Americas.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for Obamacare, which is unconstitutional and gives the Federal Government the control of how you spend your money on Health Care and what medical treatment you receive. The delays in the most horrible parts of Obamacare are not fixing anything.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for giving control of Obamacancer to the IRS, the most corrupt federal organization in the world.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the NDAA and the Patriot Act, which strips everyone of their freedom from arrest and imprisonment without due cause, due process, or the right to face your accuser and gives our government the right to have Political Prisons inside the United States as they have in Cuba and other undisclosed locations.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for every travesty caused by the Shut Down including taking our National Parks and Monuments from us and threatening our veterans with non payment of benefits.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for the continued corruption at the IRS and the corruption at the Bureau of Land Management.
Your current Senator and Representative is directly responsible for every hour a person with a painful disease or injury is kept from treatment with Marijuana which does not have the toxins or side effects of our prescription medications.
Each of your current Senators and Representaives is responsible for our government doing nothing to stop the Terrorism called the Knock out Game.
Each of your current Senators and Representaives is responsible for our government allowing George Soros and the National Endowment for Democracy to support and fund the violence in the Ukraine and for imposting sanctions on Russia for protecting their people from that violence. NATO and the United States are the bad guys in the Ukraine and the bad guys in the War on Terror.
Every one of our current Senators and Representatives hate your Human Rights and Freedoms just as much as Obama, Biden, and Holder, or they would have fired the monsters by now.
Each of your current Senators and Representaives is guilty of not firing Obama for writing Executive Orders that change our laws.
Each of your current Senators and Representaives is guilty of letting the Bureau of Land Managment, the EPA, and the IRS become so corrupt under Obama and Eric Holder that they can not function legally.
Your current Senator and Represenative shipped weapons to Iran, again.
Americans died, Obama and Hillary lied.
No Incumbents.
Vote them out.
Harry Reid is just trying to fit in.
Death to islam and the followers of the EVIL pedophile mohammad!!!!!!!
well, do something about him then !!!!!
Website suraj singh ID national security agency
Harry Reid behaves like a domestic terrorist. He is supposed to be serving the people. He needs to be fired.
He needs to drop dead he is such a dumb F**k