[Video Below]Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says it’s time to put an end to Harry Reid’s abuses of power and his unethical, partisan spending on the public dime.
Either Reid (D-Nevada) thinks it is OK for him to use taxpayer-funded government resources to make partisan attacks on political opponents and even members of the public, or he just doesn’t care because he thinks he is above the law and can ignore ethics rules and guidelines without consequence.
Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
Well that’s a start. Why not go for the rest of the C**P in D.C. while your at it Reince?
WHEN or is this Hot Air ?
You would think the Mormon church would council this man….but the Mormon church has been vile and corrupt from the beginning, and still corrupt in their dealings now. Since the Mormon church is involved with Casinos in Vegas and in the past with brothels, why would I expect them to do the right thing? Silly Me!!!!!!!!
Will we ever have enough good people in Washington to stop these DUMMYCRATS from ruining our U.S.A.???
I agree.
Dirty Harry he ain’t !!! $#%&!@*head Harry he is !!!
Harry and his sons will pay for all the c**p they have done and are still trying to do
Why am I being censored? anything to do with dirty Harry never loads.
Ya ,and a lot of people likes this Dirty Harry Reed dirty works’s. He is a dirty politician like a lot of other’s in Washington just blends in Obama and his group!. Hey?.
Tell us something we didn’t already know.