[Video Below]Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus says it’s time to put an end to Harry Reid’s abuses of power and his unethical, partisan spending on the public dime.
Either Reid (D-Nevada) thinks it is OK for him to use taxpayer-funded government resources to make partisan attacks on political opponents and even members of the public, or he just doesn’t care because he thinks he is above the law and can ignore ethics rules and guidelines without consequence.
Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
Yes he is typical politican. Evil to the core.
It is about time that a Republican stepped up to the bat and called out Harry, it seems everyone in Washington is afraid of the senile old man
And THATS just for starters!!! Fire him,or fire AT him,and hit him till he`s gone!!!
Nothing will happen because we have to many chicken $#%&!@* Congressmen and Senators that are only there for ridiculous retirement beeny’s. They are all afraid to do their job
This man needs too be dealt with fast ppl …Nev. needs too recall him and IMPEACH his ass then put him in prison…
Right along with the BLM Rangers that killed some of Bundy’s cattle…where is PETA now ?
two faced priebus heis working with them to beat conservatives what a two faced rino not one penny to the national committee back your candidates or you will have a rino running
so vote him out!!!
it is time to wipe Harry Reid face form the smile once he is put where he belongs on a long rope an hung