If gun control laws work, how come President Obama’s administration was plagued with so many terrorist shootings? That administration also took the cake for illegal alien shooters.
Why don’t these jihadists, illegals and gangsters obey California’s gun laws? Kathryn Steinle would be alive today if her five-time illegal assassin had listened to democrat talking points. Too bad her killer, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, decided to steal a firearm from a Bureau of Land Management’s unsupervised vehicle. There was a law against that!
There is a law against just about everything that happened to Kathryn Stenile and the people of San Bernardino. Also, the rifles used in the shooting were illegal. It’s a fine talking point to say the pistols they were packing were legally bought but the ATF ruled the rifles to be modified and in violation of… gun control laws.
See the next page for a video of Sen. Boxer’s tragically laughable statements.
Boxer, McCaskill, Waters and Pelosi forgot Warren are all an embarrassment to the intelligence required for their positions..
Only the illegals in the Mexican street gangs are allowed to carry guns.
Yeah. Realy, tell it to the people who live in the ghettos all across Calif. especially in Oakland. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Etc. Etc. You dead brained liberal idiot
You can tell she lives there with her security guard
Wait till you get over taken by the immigrants and muslims….
Almost as DUMB as Waters and Piglosi.
California is the land of fruit and nuts.what did you expect??
All you proved in California is you can get away with bullying your citizens, pass outragiuos laws and fleece them of their tax dollars without worrying about an armed polpulice to rise up against you crooked asses .