Right next to that climate change report about the Road to Hell requiring a snow plow, there comes word that another prominent Democrat has parted ways with President Obama on the Iran deal.
Sometimes Obama’s outrages are too extreme for even his own party to tolerate.
See the amazing, but true video on the next page.
When he’s not piddling underage Dominican girls, he occasionally makes sense.
“A deal so bad even Obama’s own party won’t support it…”—Let us hope that we can get enough bi-partisan support against this Iranian deal to crush it.
__The Great Deceiver is Israel and soon to be Justifiably Destroyed is The Great Deceiver Israel .. whereas: All Sane Earth Shall Together Breathe, ‘Shalom shalom Mofos..’
The news claims Obama working to “smother” new ISIS cells. Obama is incapable of “smothering” his own cigarette addiction let alone our enemies! He uses this rhetoric to appease the herd of American sycophants while he uses all methods at his disposal to help ISIS build their caliphate! Anyone who thinks ISIS is “SCARED” by Obama is out of touch with reality; just like Obama!
Neither is change
How many percent which care is very fair today and tomorrow. Pope, Permission, Patiently, Protection, People, Peace, Protection, Peach, Pelican, Perch.
Israel will be protected forever so don’t bet on pork eating Muslims to try!
Forever Ended Yesterday ..
You and your Democratic buddies have been running this country behind a President who ran on a phony platform of Hope & Change. He was able to complete half and that was change and not to the better.