On July 16, news reports surfaced that President Donald Trump had ordered the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to stop funding rebels groups in Syria trying to overthrow the regime of Syrian President Bashir al-Assad.
The news brought immediate howls of protest from the usual suspects: Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, staunch backers of the CIA program, along with fake news outlets claiming Trump was merely trying to satisfy the wishes of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
What the politicians and media fail to tell the American public is that the so-called “Free Syrian Army” is riddled with jihadists and Sunni extremists, including the Syrian front for Al Qaeda, Jabhat al-Nusra.
What prompted the Trump decision to review, and then end the Obama administration program, was seeing a video of alleged allies in the Nour al-din al-Zenki Movement beheading a 12-year old boy in Aleppo.
Learn more on the next page about the terrorist-ridden Free Syrian Army and how the CIA program to fund, train and arm the rebels facilitated American arms falling into the hands of ISIS and other terrorists. Find out what geopolitics really drives the Syrian civil war.
And no teleprompter
While speaking to some members at his Bedminster golf club, Trump explained that he golfs at his own properties so much because the White House is a dump.
According to a golf.com profile of Trump:
Chatting with some members before a recent round of golf, he explained his frequent appearances: “That White House is a real dump.” Trump is often at his most unguarded among the people who pay for their proximity to him.
Is there any doubt that a man who would call the White House a dump would give a second thought to colluding with Russia to win a presidential election? Trump is incapable of comprehending, much less being overwhelmed, by the living history that he is a part of in the White House. The same White House where he plops his ample backside down and watches Fox News is also where Ronald Reagan met the 52 American hostages who were held in Iran. It is where Lincoln fought to save the Union, where FDR brought America back from the Great Depression. The White House is where John F. Kennedy pulled America back from the brink during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and yes, it where Obama gave the go signal for Seal Team Six to take out Osama Bin Laden.
The White House is a symbol of America, and when Donald Trump calls the place that every president has occupied since 1800 a dump, he is showing his ignorance and contempt for America itself.
This is SO much better then OBAMABINLADEN
Murder, rapists and pedophiles…nice bunch
To accurately analyze what kind of government a particular regime is you must ignore the names and titles they adopt for themselves and instead analyze the way they act and the things they do.
On the scale of political philosophies we have on the most extreme left a situation of complete, total, absolute, government repression and control where even the number of breaths you take would be mandated, and carry the death penalty for violations.
On the extreme opposite end of that scale we have complete, total, absolute anarchy where there are no rules, no morays, no laws, no regulations, no social controls or restrictions of any kind. It would be a situation where you could do the most heinous things imaginable without penalty…. if you were strong enough to impose your will on others.
At some point along that scale there would be a point at which there would be just enough government to assure their citizenry a balance of security and personal freedoms. Anything to the right of that point, while moving toward greater personal freedoms, would also be moving toward fewer government controls and protections. Anything to the left would be moving toward more government restriction, intrusions, oppressions and aggressions.
From the mid-point on our scale of political systems we can now evaluate liberalism, socialism, progressivism, communism, fascism, and Nazism as all being leftist governmental forms because they all advocate and impose, to one degree or another, more intrusive, oppressive, and vindictive regimes on their subjects than would regimes that exist at the mid-point on our political scale.
The false assertion that Nazism (and fascism) is/was a rightest form of government has arisen from the assumption that because the Nazis fought the Russian communists in WW2, and the Russian communists were unquestionably leftists, the Nazis were therefore on the right. That’s false logic and completely abandons the evaluation of the characteristics and actions of the system under our scrutiny.
From the midpoint on the scale of political freedom and oppression, liberalism, socialism, progressivism, communism, fascism, and Nazism all exist toward the left end of the scale as evidenced by the irrefutable fact that they all use the weight, power and force of government to impose greater governmental controls, restrictions, and penalties, than do those forms of government devoted to personal freedoms and personal responsibilities. They are all first cousins under the skin, as can be seen and proven by the way they relate to and impose controls on their citizens and subjects.
Should of Bomb them, good job President Trump
in human and you want more keep them out
Obama was funding Syrian rebels who are against all things that are decent. Stopping aid to these people is imperative to stopping the violence.
Aren’t obama’s people just wonderful?
Top are Communist.