This truly hilarious skit created by Tactical Sh*t reveals what could be the best possible way to defeat ISIS or any jihadist.
The “Improvised Exploding Goat” (IEG) is a ‘penetration-sensitive, life-sized goat filled with explosives. When a terrorists looking to ‘score’ meets one of these goats, well, the world is minus one more terrorist.
What about the animals!!
Do they like goats because when they are intimate it beats bah bah bahlla
Ahh Muslim dating service
One of the Muslim Jihadist goals is to breed Americans out of existence—we should do the same thing to their male genitals that they do to the females genital, but take it a step further and nail their testicles to a burning stump and let them cut their gonads off with a dull knife.
Durka, Durka
Yah the trigger device is a controller or in the butt of the goat
Jay Janisse and Louis Vanderburg
I think importing as many hogs and pigs as possible overseas is a good idea..c.
When they touch it’s butt it explodes
Mike Nabors