This truly hilarious skit created by Tactical Sh*t reveals what could be the best possible way to defeat ISIS or any jihadist.
The “Improvised Exploding Goat” (IEG) is a ‘penetration-sensitive, life-sized goat filled with explosives. When a terrorists looking to ‘score’ meets one of these goats, well, the world is minus one more terrorist.
Durka Durka
Ahhhhhh, sherpa sherpa, burka lurka dokka, Muhammad Jihad.
Not now Hony , i’m praying .
@[1068676702:2048:Roger Bontrager]
Funny and true
lan thats the trueth
When the jihadist hump the goats they detonate
Lol, nice
@[1003109292:2048:Jonathan Hilley]
o allah yes dam