We’ve all experienced that frustration of clicking on a YouTube video only to be staring into a blank screen with something like “This video has been deleted due to copyright infringement laws”. Now, there has been an ongoing “secret trade agreement” called the TPP (Trans-Pacific Paternership) a multinational coalition that threatens to extend restrictive intellectual property (IP) laws across the globe and enforce criminal provisions to any individual/ individuals who are found “breaking” said laws.
Even more alarming, is the “slipping” the internet censoring laws in through the proverbial “back door” due to its controversial nature. Most of the secret trade agreement, has nothing to do with internet censoring. In fact, out of the eleven chapters, only one is devoted to “intellectual property rights”. But that chapter, on internet censoring, would change the “freedom” of the internet.
who to blame?
If you’re looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
Coming? Ha, if you really believe it hasn’t been here for years, then…what can I say.
Everbody has a breaking point and I think a large number of Americans are just about there
Well what can we do about it? Where’s a pe$#%&!@*ion.
Nothing is even surprizing anymore with the world cl$#%&!@* criminals in govrnment. The question is when are we going to put an end to these s$#%&!@*bags?
Government control of everything, kill all dissent and the sheep will believe anything you tell them.
It is well beyond time people.
NO TPP….f*cking Ovomit
They have been doing this for some time now. Called trolls
What can we do about it you ask
Every human being in the entire world needs to at the same time stop working going to school what ever is run by the Eleets to stop.
Be no one’s slave.
Be in Contral of our own future