One of the most serious consequences of this last election is the corrosive effect that the rhetoric of many liberals has had on the integrity of our political and security institutions.
During the election, Democrats liked to fearmonger about the threat Donald Trump posed to the American political order and democracy itself. Although most took the populist conservative’s promises to “drain the swamp” and make America great again simply as calls to return power to the people, liberals bafflingly interpreted them as a declaration of war on the nation’s political infrastructure and cited them as proof of his supposed illegitimacy.
The moment it became clear that Trump would be president of the United States, however, the left abandoned its pretenses to respecting the peaceful transition of power and began openly expressing their refusal to respect the system, even if it jeopardizes the security of the country and its commander-in-chief.
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This is a NON-STORY. She was NOT on any Presidential Protection Detail. She works for the Secret Service in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT CAPACITY. Her opinion doesn’t mean jack$#%&!@* but it DOES preclude her from service within the department.
She should simply be fired and never spoken of or thought of again.
Wacko liberal alert.
About 8 days.
What is to decide? Transfer her to a investigations unit. Alaska might be a nice change of scenery.
Dave Taylor, looks like you know as much as Chump! Fuk all …I have nothing to hide, thats why I use my real name, guess what, more than just me with that name. I think what bothers you the most, is the joke……him, Sean & Kellyane are proving to be……& it’s only been 3 week’s of the Donald…….he better smart’n up quick…..or their going to pull a JFK on him. But they will probably just be able to impeach him for incompetence. I like the fact he’s proving not only to be the biggest whiner in the world, but the guy with the thinest skin to ever hold the office. Mark my word’s, he’s going to go down as the joke of the century. Just think how funny SNL will be tomorrow……..Bahahaha!
Doc Schweltzer, he might of won, to bad he’s proving to be the biggest loser to ever hold the office. Nixion couldn’t hold a candle to the guy.
Obama’s already got the title of joke of the century
If she doesn’t want to do what she swore to do get rid of her.
Trump needs a dog so she can pick up it’s :p**p:
hell shes on vacation the$#%&!@*should have been fired