One of the most serious consequences of this last election is the corrosive effect that the rhetoric of many liberals has had on the integrity of our political and security institutions.
During the election, Democrats liked to fearmonger about the threat Donald Trump posed to the American political order and democracy itself. Although most took the populist conservative’s promises to “drain the swamp” and make America great again simply as calls to return power to the people, liberals bafflingly interpreted them as a declaration of war on the nation’s political infrastructure and cited them as proof of his supposed illegitimacy.
The moment it became clear that Trump would be president of the United States, however, the left abandoned its pretenses to respecting the peaceful transition of power and began openly expressing their refusal to respect the system, even if it jeopardizes the security of the country and its commander-in-chief.
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Let her guard transgender bathrooms
You’re fired
This is why we in our country get to keep hearing about these people. We can’t allow her to get off easy, make it cost her dearly.
Just go ahead and give the$#%&!@*a paid vacation. Morons.
Are they not hired to protect the president regardless what means of protection is required? Well she refused to do so and thereby forfeits her position as a SS agent and there should be no pay included. It looks like she was just suspended and not fired and to pay her during the suspicion is just plain ridiculous. GD
Fire the worthless bitch with loss of all government benefits
She is covered by Federal Civil Services rules and that is why she continued to receive pay while on Administrative Leave. The Federal Unons are more powerful than those in the private sector. Down the road aways, the Ciivil Service rules need to be overhauled and get the unions out of managing the Agencies.
Man, Loren — why don’t you use the swamp beard to protect her? Of course, Doris, someone with your sophisticated tastes (judging by the photo) is definitely in a position to call someone a moron. David, same works for 99% of all police officers who commit crimes — is it different now because Trump is in the story?
Should be looking for a job!