One of the most serious consequences of this last election is the corrosive effect that the rhetoric of many liberals has had on the integrity of our political and security institutions.
During the election, Democrats liked to fearmonger about the threat Donald Trump posed to the American political order and democracy itself. Although most took the populist conservative’s promises to “drain the swamp” and make America great again simply as calls to return power to the people, liberals bafflingly interpreted them as a declaration of war on the nation’s political infrastructure and cited them as proof of his supposed illegitimacy.
The moment it became clear that Trump would be president of the United States, however, the left abandoned its pretenses to respecting the peaceful transition of power and began openly expressing their refusal to respect the system, even if it jeopardizes the security of the country and its commander-in-chief.
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Jeff Lepard yep and you will get your jollies watching something so stupid that hit targets your radar. You are a total jerkoff, so why don’t you go troll a liberal page where you poor losers can all cry in your beer and lament the fact that you didn’t win the election nor will you win any commentary requiring brains on this page.
FIRE her$#%&!@* FIRE her boss too! This is insane! Who gets to pick & choose their job description? Stop using OUR money to pay these incompetent people & do it NOW!
Jeff Lepard oh and by the way now you are an English teacher too, when you can’t put two logical sentences together!?? FO you creep.
Cheryl A Grams And you are a close second.
Fire her$#%&!@*!
Look around you Snowflake…you are grossly outnumbered here, go back to a page where you losers live.
Phil, the only reason yer$#%&!@*is so chapped, Is because you know I’m right. This show of watching the Donald self implode, is better than SNL. To stick up for the joke that is unfolding in front of the world, only show’s how shallow you are Phil….soon you’ll catch up to Kellyann……lol.
Dereliction of duty. Sorry, if i say “I’m not going to do my job”.. I’ll be looking for work.. not getting a paid vacation. W.t. f.
Paid vacation…hardly a punishment!
Fire her now. She has already stated she will not do her job and that raises questions of if she would do it as part of a plan or just let someone do the assassination.