On the heals of the cancelled rally in Chicago, where protesters were raucous and tensions high, Trump had a brush with violence in Dayton, Ohio. Secret Service jumped into action, creating a wall around Trump as the man, now known to be Thomas Dimassimo, rushed the stage.
Trump was visibly shaken in the midst of the incident and the crowd responded with equal angst, chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump”.
Montgomery County Sheriff, Phil Plummer said that Dimassimo has been charged with “inducing panic and disorderly conduct”. He “attempted to breach the secure buffer and was removed rapidly and professionally,” a campaign spokeswoman stated.
Dimassimo has been called a professional protester. He is featured in a #notmyflag video, supporting Black Lives Matter and far-left Wright State student. It appears that his Twitter account, Marlon Bando, has been deleted, but not until one of his tweets had been archived. Check out more about Dimassimo on the next page, his #notmyflag video and his attack on Trump.
get a rope…
I remember JKF, RFK and MLK all killed because somebody disagreed with them. I remember George Wallace who was shot and crippled for the rest of his life. Somebody didn’t like George W. That same mentally is alive and well today. Even the “celebs” are touting death to all who don’t agree with them. We never learn.
Another liberal trying to shut down FREE SPEECH!!!!
Put his$#%&!@*in Prison, let him think about how Stupid he Is. VERY !!!!
Put the man behind bars for a long time.
Put his thug$#%&!@*in jail and people need to stop there ignorant selves…just because your an idiot does not give you permission to attack anyone and I hope Trump press charges against this jerk and Chicago needs to clean there act up…dumb$#%&!@*people with no common sense…
Time for poetic justice!
Karma will not be fun for this loser.
Give his dumb$#%&!@*15 years…