On the heals of the cancelled rally in Chicago, where protesters were raucous and tensions high, Trump had a brush with violence in Dayton, Ohio. Secret Service jumped into action, creating a wall around Trump as the man, now known to be Thomas Dimassimo, rushed the stage.
Trump was visibly shaken in the midst of the incident and the crowd responded with equal angst, chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump”.
Montgomery County Sheriff, Phil Plummer said that Dimassimo has been charged with “inducing panic and disorderly conduct”. He “attempted to breach the secure buffer and was removed rapidly and professionally,” a campaign spokeswoman stated.
Dimassimo has been called a professional protester. He is featured in a #notmyflag video, supporting Black Lives Matter and far-left Wright State student. It appears that his Twitter account, Marlon Bando, has been deleted, but not until one of his tweets had been archived. Check out more about Dimassimo on the next page, his #notmyflag video and his attack on Trump.
Does anyone else wonder why Republican candidates are attacked and with all that Obama did that Republicans didn’t like:-he was’t ever attacked.
Trent i never thought the country would come to this…..i worked in q steel.mil in my youth and worked along side all ethnic groups..it was so funny listening to each group call each other names, ie dumb swede. Pollock hunky wap, etc. But at the end of the day All was well and people trusted each other….now we have the libshits who want everything for nothing ,,,get violent race bait and name call,…like you im not putting up with the b******t from corrupt hillary and bernie the red and the race baiting blmers the al sharptons and jessie jackson…they all survivve bc of the whimp liberla lamestream media.,.and that is going to stop….they cause the violence and yet blame the peacefull assemblers. Such freakin b******t!
Have we already lost our country to illegals and others,,,
Democrats suck..
Look if this Douchbag is going to walk on the American flag , spit on cops and make such a disturbance at a otherwise peaceful rally, The Judge in this case should require a mental evaluation on this Perp. May be the judge should ask, not tell , but ask if he would like to leave the USA, I will even start a Go Fund Ma Page for this idiot
Beat the$#%&!@*out of these idiots!!!!
Mary Jane Stewart and you are supporting a Socialist$#%&!@*
BLM. A movement founded on integrity and support of disenfranchised members of society.
life in prison
Here we Go Again with the BLM .Of course they will do this . :Yes I do Remember about Bobby Kennedy , That Poor Family Was doomed.. I am Glad I was Not there since I Live in Cincinnati . Until they do Something about this the Leftist will continue through the whole Election. Simple as that .Bernie Sanders is the One who they said on The News Was the one who Started this.