On the heals of the cancelled rally in Chicago, where protesters were raucous and tensions high, Trump had a brush with violence in Dayton, Ohio. Secret Service jumped into action, creating a wall around Trump as the man, now known to be Thomas Dimassimo, rushed the stage.
Trump was visibly shaken in the midst of the incident and the crowd responded with equal angst, chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump”.
Montgomery County Sheriff, Phil Plummer said that Dimassimo has been charged with “inducing panic and disorderly conduct”. He “attempted to breach the secure buffer and was removed rapidly and professionally,” a campaign spokeswoman stated.
Dimassimo has been called a professional protester. He is featured in a #notmyflag video, supporting Black Lives Matter and far-left Wright State student. It appears that his Twitter account, Marlon Bando, has been deleted, but not until one of his tweets had been archived. Check out more about Dimassimo on the next page, his #notmyflag video and his attack on Trump.
He desecrates our flag & attempts to attack a candidate… deport him to a socialist/ communist country & see how much he likes it there.
Trent Norton if you really think something like this would really happen do you think you’re safe? Do you think you would be one of the governments chosen people. You would be rounded up just the same as anyone else and put down. A civil war wouldn’t be north against the south, white against black or conservative against liberal. It would be a turmoil and the government would attempt to put us all down. I promise you foreign boots would be on U.S. Soil in the way of UN or other troops. The. You would find the people you are wanting war with would need to be your allies. The fact that you seem to be looking forward to this is disturbing. I for one would not be looking forward to a coyote hunt as you put it. It’s all good keep up the language if your not already you soon will be flagged and stripped of those guns and ammo.
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country
BLM = Black Loving Morons.
This$#%&!@*doesn’t represent Ohio by any stretch of the imagination.
Why are leftist whites in BLM ?
CIA Should have shot him dead. You don’t let this happen to a front runner for President of the United States of America !!!!! People he
The reason there is such an effort to do away with the 2nd amendment is because as of now they can’t just round us up. Do you think I’ll just turn in my guns and ammo and jump in the wagon? No. Until we are disarmed they can do nothing. Do you think I’m afraid of being flagged or put on some list? I’m not so much looking forward to it as much as not afraid. I’ll not be a sheeple, I’d much rather fight and die for what I believe in than cowering in some fema camp. We’re it up to people like you we would be singing god save the queen before ball games.