One plank in Obama’s unofficial platform is the flooding of America with immigrants, not out of concern for the less fortunate, but in order to move elections. As an example, just think what an asset it would be to the Democrat Party if enough of these new voters could swing Texas from red to blue.
Let’s see what the latest exercise in subterfuge involves.
Herds of African immigrants are being housed in shelters in the Mexican border town of Tijuana while they await entry into the United States under what appears to be a secret accord between the Obama administration, Mexico and the Central American countries the Africans transited on their journey north.
Another “secret accord.” If all of Obama’s actions and the actions of his administration are so noble and so steeped in humanitarian compassion, why all this extraordinary secrecy?
The outrage here is that we are treated to just another “back-door” effort by Obama, no doubt with candidate Hillary’s hearty approval, to import voters who will be sympathetic to liberal causes and candidates.
But back to Obama’s relentless pursuit of every means imaginable to flood America with immigrants to achieve his political objectives.
The Obama administration has done a great job of promoting its various back-door amnesty programs, which include perpetually extending a humanitarian measure designed to temporarily shield illegal immigrants from deportation during emergencies. It’s known as Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and in the last few years migrants from several African countries have received it so the new influx is not all surprising.
So now he has taken TPS, and corrupted it to promote his agenda.
And this influx of migrants is not a surprise regardless of where they are coming from. At this point, for the location of immigrants to be a surprise they’d have to be visitors from outer space. And the chance of the Clinton/Obama axis acting in a transparent and honest manner is just about as likely as some of those extraterrestial visitors, if they actually showed up, voting Republican.
Source: Judicial Watch
Congress, stop him. You know it’s not right.
Kill em
Where’s my wall. Build it I say. Build it.
Soros los diablo plan
94 million Americans consisting of veterans, minorities, and families are struggling. So tell me again why should any foreigner be given place over this Republic’s citizens!