“SECRET” Classified Memo Informed Clinton U.S. was Supporting ISIS in 2012

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign may be in for even more trouble, according to new evidence unearthed by Judicial Watch.  Already under FBI investigation for her private email server and facing a massive enthusiasm gap against GOP nominee Donald Trump, it now appears that Clinton knew in 2012 that the administration was supporting AQI and ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

The memo made clear that Al Qaeda in Iraq was speaking through Muhammad Al Adnani, who is now the senior spokesman for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS. Western and Gulf states were supporting the terrorist group to try to overthrow Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad, who was being propped up by the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese.

In August 2012, a “SECRET” classified memo was sent to various top Obama administration officials and agencies, including to the State Department and to Clinton’s office personally.

“The document is an IAR, an intelligence information report,” said Christopher J. Farrell, who serves on the board of directors of Judicial Watch, which obtained the document. “It is produced by somebody within the Defense intelligence agency (DIA). It is reporting from the field by an intelligence agent” who could be a U.S. government agent, a defense attaché, or a source.

“It’s a report from the field back to headquarters with some intelligence that somebody is willing to bet their career on,” Farrell said.

Farrell confirmed that the report was sent to Clinton’s office, based on the recipient marking “RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHINGTON DC.”

The report identifies Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) as being one of the principal elements of the Syrian opposition, which the West was choosing to “support.”

The report goes on in great detail showing that the intelligence community was informing the administration what exactly was happening on the ground.  It is hard to see the Obama administration and Crooked Hillary try to explain this one away.


Source: Breitbart



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