A second massive wave of migrants is poised to break onto Europe, as the men who came before are demanding that the rest of their family are granted asylum. According to European Union law, settled migrants living in EU states are lawfully entitled to bring their families to live with them in their adopted countries as part of their right to a family life.
The economic and social strain that has already thrown the solvency of the European Union into question could be brought to unprecedented levels. Already, the demographics of incoming migrants and asylum seekers is shifting.
Where previously a huge majority of migrants were men, the numbers are showing that now half of incoming migrants are women and children. In fact, children now make up one third of all incoming migrants arriving in Greece.
With the number of migrant women on the rise, human rights watch groups are also urging the EU to protect women as they make the journey.
Read more on the incoming wave of migrants on page 2.
First the Knights of malta in the US trigger this war on terror , then they push for Islamization of the west , all hail the Pope. GOSH why are we such fools that we fail to organize and fail to speak the truth about this ?
Daniel Bauer Jr. thx for this conversation , your one of the few..
Couple A 10 would be nice.
Oops! Where is the women and children ?
Bang bangggg bangg banggg
Drop some pork bombs
When will Euorpe wake up to the facts. They are doing this to take your country over.
Here an ingenious idea..
Send them to other ISLAMIC nations.
Well I guess this is the world preparation for the world dominance under Islam . Maybe even the ground work for The New World Order. Any way you look at it the Stage is being set for the rapture and the Second Coming Of Jesus , yes Jesus and we being the Lords Children will be raptured out. The Bible occurrences Professes are all being fulfilled .Amen ,even so ,come Lord Jesus !
Carpet bomb 101!