Seattle Times Calls For Ban On Private Gun Sales

Breitbart News notes

The Times goes about this by pointing to the so-called flaws they see in the NICS system. These include the clerical error that allowed Dylann Roof to pass a background check in April and what the Times claims is an insufficient NICS database on prohibited gun buyers.

But the Times suggests both of these are trumped by private sales, which “gun control advocates…[describe as] the biggest flaw of all in the system, that about 40 percent of all gun sales are exempt from background checks because the seller is a private party, often operating online or at a gun show.”

They add: “Federally licensed gun dealers are required to conduct a background check before each gun purchase, but private sellers are not.”

Read the full story here.


Two things: First, Breitbart News previously reported the fallacy of the “40 percent of all gun sales” claim. The quick rebuttal to this claim is that all new gun sales–100 percent of them–take place at a retailer–even if online or at a gun show–and are required by federal law to be done in conjunction with a background check.

Secondly, the most prominent public attackers and alleged attackers of the last 15 years have gotten their guns via background checks, so no amount of gun control would have stopped them.

In each and every one of these instances, gun control was not the answer…controlling the criminals and allowing the population to defend themselves is the answer.

Photo: Kevin Stanchfield on Flickr



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