A high school in Seattle, Washington has sparked outrage after having initialed a program IUDs (intrauterine devices) and other forms of birth control in girls as young as 11 without parental consent.
This is only one of 13 schools in the city to have implemented a state-wide health policy that permits middle and high schools to administer birth control to girls as young at those attending the sixth grade without ever having informed their parents.
Without God’s moral codes, the immorality ran amok everywhere.
had they done this to my daughters they would have had the biggest law suit in their history plus I would file a criminal complaint against who ever authorized it
Law suit.
They have been doing it for years! STOP IT NOW!!! It’s all about Government Control….
If this is needed anywhere its detroit, chicago, the roach infested “schools”.
No freaking way
I would be ready to spit ” FIRE “
11 year olds are not in high school
This program is boon to sexual predators. Yet another way (provided by liberal policy)that they can keep their victims available and everyone else ignorant.
Every student applying for this ought to be tagged by the school and referred to law enforcement as a potential victim of sexual abuse.