A high school in Seattle, Washington has sparked outrage after having initialed a program IUDs (intrauterine devices) and other forms of birth control in girls as young as 11 without parental consent.
This is only one of 13 schools in the city to have implemented a state-wide health policy that permits middle and high schools to administer birth control to girls as young at those attending the sixth grade without ever having informed their parents.
This is absurd.
And this is an invasive medical procedure with risks. Outrageous
But they want to raise funds in Washington schools for what “c**p like this”??
All you liberals whom voted them in. Look in the mirror, you approved this!!
They did this to my kid, somebody would be in a world of hurt after I got through with them.
no f*cking way, I would sue if anyone put an IUD in my 11 yr old daughter without my permission
The school system needs to go to court and find out their limits! They should have to pay heavily for this stunt! Make those in charge for this outlandish decision resign and face charges!
Liberals and progressives have been trying to take over raising of your children so they have control over them and they will continue and adulthood being used to being controlled in this manner it is a Communist Manifesto plan and they’ve been trying to take over our country four generations and it’s time to put an end to this kind of stuff when they can come into your home and tell you how to do how to raise your children yeah life is done
I can not believe that the residents of any American community would allow their parental right to be violated to this degree. This is Child abuse in the first degree and the people responsible should be in jail.
IUDs are dangerous devices. Uterine perforation and pelvic inflammatory are not uncommon complications. Both can result in sterility. Maybe that’s the idea behind this?