Socialist Seattle city council member Kshama Sawant said she will introduce a bill that would ensure the precinct within the “CHAZ is kept in ‘community control’ permanently.
Our movement needs to urgently ensure East Precinct is not handed back to police, but is turned over permanently into community control.
My office is bringing legislation to convert East Precinct into a community center for restorative justice.
— Kshama Sawant (@cmkshama) June 12, 2020
Sawant’s legislation would turn the police precinct into a community center. Set up earlier this week, CHAZ extends six city blocks around the precinct. It is unclear whether Sawant’s legislation would only cede the precinct or if the “autonomous zone” would remain in place permanently.
Law enforcement officials are worried about not having a permanent presence in the area. “Our 911 response time has tripled from what it was before we had officers not working out of this precinct,” one officer told a protester.
CHAZ has functioned as its own country by securing its borders with armed guards and hanging a sign at the entry points that says: “Now leaving the USA.” The area formed after police abandoned a precinct that was surrounded by protesters advocating against police brutality and racial injustice following the death of George Floyd in police custody.
I've always been your supporter, but this is insane and criminal. No one has elected those people. This is a coup done by thugs who created anarchy and chaos and who are now terrorizing many people who live there.
— Marina Tonkonogy (@TherapyCG) June 12, 2020
Why don’t you offer up you’re $900,00 house in Leschi as a community center since you care about the “movement” so much.
— Val Mata (@ValVictory) June 12, 2020
part 2 #SeattleAutonomousZone #CHAZ #BlackLivesMatter
— Skawtish (@Skawtish) June 12, 2020
Seattle Police Chief: "Rapes, robberies and all sorts of violent acts have been occurring in the area and we're not able to get to [them]." #capitolhillautonomouszone #antifa #BlackLivesMatter
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) June 12, 2020
Source: Washington Examiner
Image: ZeroHedge