The left-wing war on the private ownership of firearms has turned a page and intensified. We’re used to the usual proposals. You know what they are. Limit this size of magazines. Make guns that look military like AR-15’s illegal. Increase restrictions on those who wish to own guns. Require registration of every firearm owned. Limit the number of firearms a person can own. Make concealed-carry illegal.
Now things have moved to a new level. Jurisdictions are proposing the outright confiscation of certain firearms. Resistance will be a crime punishable by law. Another proposal is to confiscate all firearms from those with a record of mental illness. While no one wants the criminally insane to have guns, this is an easy way for the left to massively expand those who would be barred from owning guns. The definition of mental illnesses is subjective and subject to debate. Suffered a battle with depression or take a particular medication at one time? No guns for you.
Page two brings this matter and these onerous proposals into much sharper focus by examining specific proposals on the table right now.
That has to be f**e news I watched the TV this week and this is still being discussed and not mention of this was even said.
And so it begins… law and order here
They will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hand.
Thats not right
Their Police Forces are all to eager to carry out unconstitutional orders. So; who or what did the Police Forces take a Loyality Oath too? It’s not the Constitution!
instead off letting the cops go door to door. the oeople need to gun up and go to the state capitol and see id the govnors willing to start shooting all of the legal gun owners rhat have massed there to defend their rights. if they wanna start the shooting thats on them ( the state.) stand up in mass. thats the only way this will be beat. and if its a fight hey want then so be it. yiud be defending your rights and constitution. and the entire county would be on your side.
Let’s hope they meet with harsh reprisals for this socialist Democrat policy.
BS and state needs to pay until sick bastards like this are not behind bars