The left-wing war on the private ownership of firearms has turned a page and intensified. We’re used to the usual proposals. You know what they are. Limit this size of magazines. Make guns that look military like AR-15’s illegal. Increase restrictions on those who wish to own guns. Require registration of every firearm owned. Limit the number of firearms a person can own. Make concealed-carry illegal.
Now things have moved to a new level. Jurisdictions are proposing the outright confiscation of certain firearms. Resistance will be a crime punishable by law. Another proposal is to confiscate all firearms from those with a record of mental illness. While no one wants the criminally insane to have guns, this is an easy way for the left to massively expand those who would be barred from owning guns. The definition of mental illnesses is subjective and subject to debate. Suffered a battle with depression or take a particular medication at one time? No guns for you.
Page two brings this matter and these onerous proposals into much sharper focus by examining specific proposals on the table right now.
The first account says the police “did” get a warrant. Then all the subsequent accounts say the police did “not” get a warrant. So which is it? Get your facts straight!
That is exactly what the President of the United States said to do!!!
If the police can take our guns who’s going to take there’s? The bill of rights gives us the freedom to own a firearm and them rights shail not be infringed upon. This kind of s**t will likely start a war with civilians and the police all over the United States. And the sad thing is people who willing to die for what they believe in!! Question is is the police willing to give up there lives to support this so called red flag law? My bet is no. Police officers every where had better think this thing though and do what’s right!!
When did this occur? Your articles usually fail to post a date of the event or incident…. why?
According test case! Get it going. Hire an attorney. Use go fund me.
Ask for the court to sp government is that law until it is through the U.S. Supreme Court.
You get what you vote for. If you want to keep your guns, get them to a friend or family member outside of the state and off the left Coast. You can always make the trip to get them back when the SHTF.
Apparently the haven’t looked at
Chicago, prime example of no guns, outlaw guns and Outlaws RULE – Because TheY Fallow The LAWS
I would be filing a huge lawsuit for as much money as I could get!!!
This is what the Left want though, they want the Constitution wiped away, and for their ideology to replace it. They feel and think that they can govern better.
If we the people let them do this in one city, there will be a domino effect. THIS SHOULD RAISE THE ALARM. we still have our constitutional rights. Don’t tread on us.