The left-wing war on the private ownership of firearms has turned a page and intensified. We’re used to the usual proposals. You know what they are. Limit this size of magazines. Make guns that look military like AR-15’s illegal. Increase restrictions on those who wish to own guns. Require registration of every firearm owned. Limit the number of firearms a person can own. Make concealed-carry illegal.
Now things have moved to a new level. Jurisdictions are proposing the outright confiscation of certain firearms. Resistance will be a crime punishable by law. Another proposal is to confiscate all firearms from those with a record of mental illness. While no one wants the criminally insane to have guns, this is an easy way for the left to massively expand those who would be barred from owning guns. The definition of mental illnesses is subjective and subject to debate. Suffered a battle with depression or take a particular medication at one time? No guns for you.
Page two brings this matter and these onerous proposals into much sharper focus by examining specific proposals on the table right now.
This needs to be stopped by executive order!
This is just the beginning of the left attempting to disarm the American people. A disarmed people are defenseless against government tyranny, which is why our forefathers gave us the 2nd amendment. The left wants TORAL power over America and will stop at nothing to get it. They must disarm the people so that they cannot defend themselves from their power. Hitler did the exact same thing and millions died!
They don’t care about the U.S. Constitution.
Vão transformar os EUA em um “Brasil”, né?
I will open fire on any officer trying to take my guns without just cause, my constitutional rights are not negotiable! This is criminal for any law passed that requires guns to be taken away and will be treated as a terrorism. Any who wish to not follow the oath they took to office which is to follow the constitution including trump shall be treated as a terrorists.
I don’t own a gun but have been around them all my life, know how to handle them, well enough to pass the concealed carry with just common sense and what I learned growing up. I just couldn’t afford the physical license itself. Most of my friends own, none of whom I will mention. I fear of a war when that happens and if I had a weapon I would gladly serve!
Is liberals deliberately trying to start a war? I think so! Get citizens mad enough to attack, whether they have a weapon with them or not. Just the fact they argued they call you a risk. Then they swoop in and confiscate. Keep low profile. When they think they have all they WILL COME to rule you thats when you surprise them??
If .40 caliber is good enough for CHP it’s good enough for me……..
We cannot afford to be silent anymore!
After a few are lost in confiscation attempts I would image it will be more difficult to fi d people willing to go out and take away the guns of the people!