The left-wing war on the private ownership of firearms has turned a page and intensified. We’re used to the usual proposals. You know what they are. Limit this size of magazines. Make guns that look military like AR-15’s illegal. Increase restrictions on those who wish to own guns. Require registration of every firearm owned. Limit the number of firearms a person can own. Make concealed-carry illegal.
Now things have moved to a new level. Jurisdictions are proposing the outright confiscation of certain firearms. Resistance will be a crime punishable by law. Another proposal is to confiscate all firearms from those with a record of mental illness. While no one wants the criminally insane to have guns, this is an easy way for the left to massively expand those who would be barred from owning guns. The definition of mental illnesses is subjective and subject to debate. Suffered a battle with depression or take a particular medication at one time? No guns for you.
Page two brings this matter and these onerous proposals into much sharper focus by examining specific proposals on the table right now.
The anti-firearms leftists government bodies (fed., state, local) know that the Supreme Court has not taken an important firearms case in 8 yrs.. Glad that we at least got the Heller +Mcdonald decisions before obama scolded chief justice roberts at obamas state of the union address several years ago + made roberts an imprudent figurehead. The anti 2nd. amend. people are acting like dictators by passing laws after not letting the citizens it will effect even vote on the forced changes. They also know that the abundant liberal left leaning judges will rule in the anti-2amend. direction so what do they have to lose? We all know that the great supreme court justices like Clarence Thomas and the other justices who have read and follow the Constitution would vote to follow the laws, we have the other revisionists that are trying to re- write + modify that sacred document so that they can force us to accept their liberal leftists ideas and weaken the freedoms that the Constitution guarantees us. Their attack on the 2nd. amend. is just the beginning. Watch + see!
Eventually they will call the support of the Second Amendment a mental illness and come take your guns. It’s the evil intent of these laws. Once they’ve taken them they will take over and turn this country into Venezuela.
History has shown time and time again that what happens when guns are outlawed and or confiscated genocide soon follows.
If I understand this correctly, any grouchy old fart, who gives his neighbors C**P, can be stripped of his constitutional right to have a firearm. Democrats are forcing a terrible division in this country that can only lead to civil disobedience and/or civil war. Obama already took race relations back 20 years. I believe he did that to divide the masses. Divide and conquer. A Muslim ploy to destroy this country from within ?
These are lawsuits waiting to happen !
Where is the NRA this is guilty untill proven innocent. Its my right to own a firearm. Government works for me. The law,not feelings. Whats happening the British tryed to do it what happened there. Rise up america. Hurt feelings will not change the constitution
According to our Constitution, Bill Of Rights and our Declaration Of Independence not only do we have the right to defend ourselves against their unconstitutional acts, we have a responsibility to stop them dead in their tracks!
The cops carrying out these orders are no different than the brown shirts who followed Hitler’s orders.
Civil wars a comin
Some cops are gonna get shot! I don’t GAF either. If you’re illegally confiscating guns as an order follower, then you deserve whatever happens to you.
I think calling for peaceable resistance ignores the reasons we USA citizens have the RIGHT not to be enfrenged to bear arms. The arms are for acting against tyranny. No law can bypass due process. Another Constitutional right. The Second Amendment prohibits any laws removing our right.
So peaceable? I think that is both prudent and a losing decision. It won’t stop but continue.
Picking off our rights and our guns. So do we wait until half are disarmed? Or do we revolt immediately? Wait too long and a revolt can fail. I am not willing to do nothing.
How far would the WWII vets have gone? My father is gone but I remain. Perhaps seeing this for what it is, tryanny and calling it tyranny from the beginning while verbally protesting loudly sets up a tone to reckon with?
Guns can’t be “confiscated.” They must be voluntarily surrendered.