The left-wing war on the private ownership of firearms has turned a page and intensified. We’re used to the usual proposals. You know what they are. Limit this size of magazines. Make guns that look military like AR-15’s illegal. Increase restrictions on those who wish to own guns. Require registration of every firearm owned. Limit the number of firearms a person can own. Make concealed-carry illegal.
Now things have moved to a new level. Jurisdictions are proposing the outright confiscation of certain firearms. Resistance will be a crime punishable by law. Another proposal is to confiscate all firearms from those with a record of mental illness. While no one wants the criminally insane to have guns, this is an easy way for the left to massively expand those who would be barred from owning guns. The definition of mental illnesses is subjective and subject to debate. Suffered a battle with depression or take a particular medication at one time? No guns for you.
Page two brings this matter and these onerous proposals into much sharper focus by examining specific proposals on the table right now.
I’ll believe it when I see it on the news.
Liberal control that about sums it up – glad I don’t live there I’d be in prison.
They are going to a court and getting an order against these people without out their knowledge. The have committed no crime to get this order then going to their homes and confiscating their guns. So now cops are doctors judges and jury and to top it of you can’t even go back to ask for your guns back for a year. So yes it is true I live here and it is going on
Let the lawsuits begin.
Not legal
Is this what cops signed up for, to violate the second amendment and take guns from law abiding citizens?
And, who gets to determine who is mentally ill? For starters, we already know extreme liberals are not playing with a full deck…the failings of our country prove that. Maybe we should not let anyone who is or was a Democrat be in any kind of political office! This kind of sick thinking could go on and on. People gave gotten too far from God and his Ten Commandments. If one follows those commandments and all the consequenses of following or breaking them, one can see how the future will be, and our future is not looking so good. You cannot do what you want now, but always look in the far will this affect you or others.
It’s my understanding that this guy was trouble. He didn’t show up for court so I’m sure there was a bench warrant for his arrest. So this guy was already embroiled in the justice system. The post implies they are targeting completely innocent law abiding people.
Richard Anderson kinda hard when our kids are all here. I agree that California is becoming less desirable daily hopefully conservatives will take control