This last week the Court of Appeals for the Second U.S. Circuit issued a long awaited decision on the constitutionality of the most drastic gun control law in U.S. history, the New York SAFE Act of 2013. This news is disturbing to 2nd Amendment advocates, and gun owners everywhere.
Those who oppose the government’s over reach into personal gun ownership see the writing on the wall. With the Court of Appeals up holding this legislation, the “Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement” (SAFE) which was introduced by New York state, the strict transfer laws, even between family members, seems to regulate gun ownership a bit too far right at the heart of the 2nd Amendment.
see how far your gun rights are threatened next page
The idiots.
The Supreme Court does not have the power to write new law and any “law,” passed that violates the Constitution is not law! It is pretended legislation!!!!
Civil disobedience is what’s called for in this circumstance!!! When injustice becomes law resistance is our duty!
And hello to complete tyrany.
Get ready for war. And say goodbye to the North.
We should do away with the SC!
I truly believe the American people will make the final ruling on this subject.
They also should have term limits. If they want to change something, change that.
obama wont be happy until the country falls out in civil war. The Bible warned of the last days: Wrong will be called right and right will called wrong. I am more and more convinced He is the anti-Christ!
Get ready….. Civil War II coming soon