From the report on “Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement” :
On Monday, the Court of Appeals for the Second U.S. Circuit issued a long awaited decision on the constitutionality of the most drastic gun control law in U.S. history, the New York SAFE Act of 2013. The Second Circuit ruled that nearly all of the law does not violate the Second Amendment.
The SAFE (“Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement”) Act was presented to the New York State Senate and passed into law in 15 minutes. No debate was allowed, and senators did not have time to read the bill before voting it into law
The SAFE Act is a complete ban on the sale or transfer of all military-style semi-automatic rifles manufactured within the past several decades. It is a total ban on the AR-15, AK-47, M-14/M-1a, HK G3, Steyr AUG, and many other civilian copies of military firearms. Prior to the passage of the law, Gov. Cuomo publicly stated that he was considering “confiscation” of existing rifles, but the final version of the law allowed existing owners to keep their rifles as long as they registered them with the State. Upon the death of the owner, the rifle will be confiscated; it cannot be transferred to an heir within New York State.
Once those firearms become contraband, the government may confiscate and destroy them without compensating the owner (just as the government confiscates and destroys illegal drugs).
Second Amendment rights are now hanging by a one-vote margin in the same Supreme Court that upheld Obamacare and declared a national right to gay marriage. Constitutional conservatives and Second Amendment supporters ought to be terrified over the prospect of Justice Scalia having a heart attack during a Hillary Clinton presidency.
With the only recourse the Supreme Court, and the trend and rhetoric coming from the left, chances of a Supreme Court over turn would weigh slightly in favor of those opposing the 2nd Amendment. As noted, the surprisingly recent rulings coming from the Supreme Court, does not bode well for the 2nd Amendment.
Obama’s view of the Constitution as a “living document” is tantamount to the far left’s cry that it is living-hence changeable to the times for which we live. This would be the same as saying the Bible is a living document, so those Ten Commandments, they are changeable. “Thou shall not steal” is no longer a Commandment of God, it’s “looting while rioting”, and that’s a political activity, as Black Lives Matter contends.
This a a Marxist tool, changing the meaning of words and laws, to suit how they view the perfect society. Their unrealistic goal is a utopia, a man centered society, where they are God.
Source: American Thinker
Come and Take It…oh thats right…What Guns?
don’t you people thimk you have done enough to us. now you want to take our only means of protection away from us. I am sure Praying God will open your eyes.
It’s time to put scotus behind bars also.