The Supreme Court will hear another case where religious freedom has been violated under Obamacare. After the 5-4 Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, HSS had to make an accommodation for “religious non-profits to sign a certification form expressing their religious objection, and so transfer their legal obligation to provide abortion-related drugs and services to the organization’s secular insurance carrier.” This however did not solve the violation of moral conscience for many faith-based groups.
But faith-based groups object. If just certifying their objection would legally obligate a third party to fund abortions, these groups said it would still violate their conscience because the obvious consequences include dead unborn children. They regard it as the moral equivalent of, rather than shooting someone with a gun, Obamacare offers them the “accommodation” of making them load a gun and hand it to another person with the sole objective of that person shooting someone with the gun. The result is the same, and they want no part of it.
The Supreme Court will hear the legal question that the lower courts have split on and that is whether this certification still makes faith-based groups “complicit in facilitating immorality” and if there is “a substantial burden on their religious liberty that violates RFRA.”
Source Breitbart
none of them pray to God it’s obvious by their judgements !